Tube sock lover
I love the outfit on the right but it is the tubesock on the girl’s wrist that I can’t stop staring at. Brilliant.
Originally posted at by sabrina99
I love the outfit on the right but it is the tubesock on the girl’s wrist that I can’t stop staring at. Brilliant.
Originally posted at by sabrina99
You want to have fun? Park yourself by these girls. Ah London how we love you.
Copyright and permission by Siberfi
How can you not love Muffinhead.
Copyright and permission by the fabulous Gerry Visco of New York City
From New York it’s Acid Betty.
Copyright and permission by the fabulous Gerry Visco of New York City
A fairly recent picture of original 80’s Club Kid Richie Rich on the right looking as good as ever.
Originally posted at
Shot during the Vandam Fashion Week in New York, February 2009.
Sent in and copyright by the fabulous Gerry Visco of New York City